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Evaluation of formal training programmes in Greek organisations 888
Anastasios D. Diamantidis and Prodromos D. Chatzoglou
Production & Management Engineering Department,
Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece
Received 24 November 2011
Revised 3 May 2012
Accepted 13 August 2012
Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to highlight the training factors that mostly affect trainees’ perception of learning and training usefulness.
Design/methodology/approach – A new research model is proposed exploring the relationships between a trainer’s performance, training programme components,
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Specifically, they support that this capital should incorporate basic and advanced job skills linked to a firm’s strategic goals so they cannot be easily adopted by competitors.
As Mathis and Jackson (2008) state, employee training should be integrated into every manager’s mindset, because firms’ strategic choices and actions significantly affect all human resource practices, including training. As Mathis and Jackson (2008) also point out, traditionally firms spend approximately two-thirds of their training expenses on managers and one-third training first-line employees. However, during the last few years this expense analogy has been altered, because firms have recognised that they have to develop their employees’ job-related knowledge, skills and abilities as much as their managers’ knowledge, skills and abilities. Furthermore, Mathis and
Jackson (2008) also mention that firms tend not to share the idea that training is the first cost that has to be cut in a period of economic crisis. Thus, many firms have realised that training is not a needed expenditure but a required investment that helps employees to fit into a firm’s strategic plan (through improvement of the knowledge, skills and abilities that are needed to accomplish their specific job tasks).
The purpose of this study is to fill in the knowledge gap between research and practice. As Salas and Cannon-Bowers (2001, p. 490) state: “More research aimed at uncovering why
This type of training is provided away from workplace in order to minimize distractions and encourage trainees to pay full attention. It includes lectures, case studies and simulation…
The evaluation of training consists of a reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Results determine how much the trainee liked the program. Learning outlines what facts and concepts were learned. Behavior determines if the program had an effect on the behavior(s) of the trainees. And results highlight what was accomplished as a result of the program, i.e. reduction of turnover or cost. Evaluating a training program allows for an employer to identify and correct areas in which improvement is needed. In order accomplish company goals employees must be trained effectively. Training cannot be an afterthought; it should be planned and implemented correctly. Career Development Strategies
This article covered two studies done to see the differences and changes in knowledge and
As I reflect upon the training received, it can almost be broken down in terms of layers of psychological and behavioural changes
1. Identify four possible consequences of inadequate training or training that does not meet an organisation’s needs or requirements.
A research problem is an area of interest in which there is deficient knowledge. As a result, research is
Weaver-Hightower (2014a), indicated that topical research “offers insights on the nature and severity of the problem providing you with potential arguments for the study's significance”, while also allowing you to “identify gaps in the literature that is not yet known about
In research, there is no right or wrong process; although there are many heuristics that can be passed on. Appropriate use of information requires that we see knowledge acquirement as fluid and varying. (Jones, 1996)
Researches are always carried out with the purpose of answering questions that are there, to ascertain a particular phenomenon or to prove a concept. Different researchers have different reasons for carrying out their research and this is encourage because the knowledge that is gained can be used by the others in improving that research or better understanding what the situation is. This paper tries to look at what the researchers were after and at the same trying to see the challenges they faced and their limitations. It basically tries to understand why the researchers chose the research design that has been used in the research.
They do not hire based on skills, but on attitude, fit and importance of culture
Undoubtedly, there is an unswerving relationship between the theory and its application. Theory offers direction in research, and its application affords a baseline for research. In the following text, the relationship between theory and application and the manner in which a theory guides practices is espoused upon. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to show how research and theory are connected and how both serve as models for good practice in finding the appropriate information that allows investigators to resolve issues and to solve research problems, while also adding to the world’s body of knowledge (Akang, 2012).
Participation of the trainer in this study will take 30-45 minutes, in which the participant will complete a survey that consists of Section A (part I) - 15 vignettes (covering 5 competencies), Section A (part II)-10 True and False question (covering regulation), and section B - 15 question evaluation survey (covering the overall satisfaction of the training). The survey was developed by Dr. Soliman based on existing literature. The survey will be administered by trainers of DCSF.
Training is turning into a standout amongst the most imperative things in a man's life, a great many people are attempting to acquire an instruction.
Training and development has become increasingly essential to the success of modern organisations, yet some still look at training as a problem or as something that is not taken seriously. Training and development is one key approach used by organisations to improve and maintain the capabilities of its workforce. However, many experts distinguish between training and development, being that training tends to be more closely focused and adapted towards short-term performance concerns, while development tends to be adapted more towards expanding an individual’s skills for future responsibilities (Snell and Bohlander 2007). The main reason that organisations train their employees is to bring their knowledge, skills and abilities up to the
Our textbook defines training as “systematic acquisition of skills, rules, concepts, or attitudes that result in improved performance” (p. 284). Training helps employee develop the skills and knowledge needed to perform their job correctly. In order for organizations to determine what kind of training is needed, organizations must conduct a needs analysis. The needs analysis helps determine the best training for the organization’s needs. There are three types of needs analysis that are typically conducted. These need analysis are: organizational analysis, task analysis, and person analysis.