
Evan Almighty Compared To The Story Of Noah

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An exegesis is a detailed explanation of a certain type of text, usually used to determine the deeper meaning of a story in the bible. The movie Evan Almighty will be compared to the story of Noah and the flood in Genesis using an exegesis. I will be stating the similarity and differences of the movie and the story in the bible, while trying to understand the meaning which the movie producers in Evan Almighty and the authors of the bible where trying to get their audience to understand.
The first step of completing an exegesis is to break down the text and understand the meaning in order that you can compare the two things you are trying to compare. The way I am going to do this is using textual criticism. In the beginning of the story of Noah, he was …show more content…

Evan says, “image is everything” indicating that he doesn’t think he means anything unless he is the “perfect” image in the publics eyes rather than Noah who was the faithful image in Gods eyes (Evan Almighty). God chose Noah to build an ark so that Noah and his family could be saved from the flood that would destroy the unfaithful people that were affected by the mistake that Adam and eve committed in the beginning of time, and to save creation. “So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. So make yourself an ark” (Genesis 6:13-14). Noah is similar to Evan in the movie Evan Almighty because Evan is instructed by God to build an ark and doesn’t understand why. This was odd to Evan unlike Noah, because he never really talked to God or had never had a personal relationship with Him like Noah did. Evan used the phrase “do I know you?” when talking to God and god responds, “not as much as I would like” which foreshadows that during this process God will strengthen their relationship in order that Evan can accomplish the goal that he is trying to

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