
Everyday Use By Alice Walker Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

"Everyday Use"-Final Analysis
When first reading “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, the overriding theme to me was in the revelation Mama had in discovering that Maggie, who was right in front of her, was more deserving of her love and admiration than Dee who she always placed on a pedestal throughout her life. In retrospect, after completing this course, the story goes much deeper than that in defining the true meaning of heritage and tradition and why this is so important in preserving a family’s legacy through the years.
Everyday Use was written through Mama’s perspective, thus giving the reader the insight from someone who has lived through many hardships and who knows the value of hard work. She has overcome many difficult situations such as being a single parent, living on a limited income, losing her home to fire, caring for an injured and disfigured family member, and having to do many jobs reserved for a man, herself. Although …show more content…

479). Her manner of dress invokes the idea of traditional African dress with bright colors and jewelry, in direct contrast to her mother and sister’s drab clothing choices. This image, coupled with the line, “She used to read to us without pity; forcing words, lies, and other folks habits…” (Walker, 1943, p. 477) immediately sets the precedence of her visit, in showing her family how true African-Americans should dress to express their heritage. Looking deeper into this passage, one wonders if this is all for show, and how truly happy Dee is in her new life. She seems to have “made it” by looking at her appearance, but nothing is mentioned of her emotional status or if she has found love or fulfillment in her new life. Whereas, Mama and Maggie appear content and happy living out their lives wanting for little, in this meticulously cared for old

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