
Evidence Based Intervention Paper

Decent Essays

Students can be identified as having a learning disability by using a process based on their response to research-based interventions along with an IQ-achievement discrepancy. These scientific, research-based interventions, which are tiered approaches to school based service delivery, are generally known or called response-to-intervention (RtI) models. RtI models are early intervention approaches that involve children’s responses to evidence-based interventions which are implemented on three different levels of intensity. To achieve prevention goals, RTI schools are structured, arranged, staffed, and lead differently than traditional schools. Along with using a tiered approach, schools that use RtI models also use progress monitoring. They use a vital flow chart of students, within and across tiers of services, to maintain a positive response to intervention. School-wide RtI is characterized by multiple tiers of risk and support. Students within RtI schools are considered to be placed across three, sometimes four, tiers of risk ranging from no risk to very high level of risk. There is no right or wrong amount of tiers schools can use, but the majority of schools use a three tier system. The expectation of Tier 1 is that about 80% of students will be making expected progress in …show more content…

This helps schools begin to identify students who are in need of additional support. Both RtI and PBS advocate for using evidence-based interventions that require resources appropriate to the student’s level of need, and then monitoring the progress of students receiving those interventions. RtI and PBS offer opportunities to address academic and behavior problems effectively with interventions at different levels of intensity and support. RtI and PBIS models are very similar. They differ based on the fact that Rti is targeting academic progress and PBIS is targeting behavior progress in

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