
Evoke Pity In Refugee Blues, And W. H. Auden

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Refugee blues, by poet W.H. Auden was written in 1939 about world war two and the lives of two German Jews, a man and his wife explaining how they have been mistreated. Disabled by Wilfred Owen was written in 1917 about the world war one and how it affected a man who lost his limbs. The poets evoke pity in refugee blues and disabled by using the theme of loneliness. To prove this I will show how Wilfred Owen and W.H. Auden evoke pity in their poems through form, language, imagery and response. ‘Disabled` by Wilfred Owen is written in an iambic pentameter, which means every line contains 10 syllables. Disabled is written in third person as Wilfred Owen is writing about a young soldier. Owen writes about the soldier as if he is having flashbacks; Owen did this to show life before and after the war. By showing pre-war, Owen was able to connote pity as we can see how this young soldier had a normal life, then in a short time period later his life turned into a tragedy. It also shows the reader how quickly this all happened. When reading refugee blues there is an instant evoke of pity in the title. …show more content…

It puts a perspective to the situation. It quotes “saw a poodle in a jacket fastened with a pin, saw a door opened and a cat let in: but they weren’t German Jews.” This tells the reader that animals are respected and helped more than the Jews. The Jewish Germans have been dehumanised to the Nazis and other Germans. The condition that the Jews were going through was horrific, they had nothing. As a human being able to see a poodle in a posh jumper shows that this creature is more loved and has a better lifestyle than they ever will. When these two Jews are homeless refugees and are able to witness a feline having that warm shelter that should be a necessity to everyone. They are seen as so low that even animals are

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