
Evoluation in the Human Population Essay

Decent Essays

Humans are Hominids, Primates that have been present on earth, for the last 10 million years. Modern Homosapiens (Humans) have been around for nearly 200’000 years and since their appearance have been constantly evolving. Evolution does not just entail physical appearance but also mental capability and psyche thus leading to a greater social diversity, referred to many as ‘culture.’ Even the most basic of Primates show strong indications of cultural behaviour.
With increasing intelligence, our early ancestors adopted tools to make tasks easier for themselves. Whether it was a sharpened instrument formed from wood or a stone shard, Humans were capable of adopting new methods of problem solving.
As the use of tools became more complex, the …show more content…

By WWI, Art Deco had become preferred to Art Nouveau as people preferred the ideals of commerce and speed. The strong geometric shapes were easily replicable and this style is easily seen in fashion, architecture and consumer products of the era.
As Humans demanded greater speed and accuracy, it could be argued, it would be inevitable that we would engineer methods to satisfy this yearning. With all great advancements there is always the factor of accidental discovery.
The pinnacle turning point of computer history that would dawn today’s digital revolution would be the discovery of the semiconductor. The term semiconductor is broad. It covers electrical components and computer microprocessors in their entirety [Turley, 2002].
The element Germanium was initially used and is chemically similar to silicon and tin, exhibiting the conductive/insulating properties required. Although still used today, it has since been replaced by Silicon for non specialised applications [Claeys et al 2007]. Silicon was discovered in 1823, but was not heavily utilised for computing until WWII in Military applications [Seitz, 1995]. Silicon as an element is more commonly occurring and thus cheaper than Germanium, making it ideal for mass consumer electronics. These components allow the control of electrons and electrical signals to be switched off, amplified and converted for specific functions [Claeys et al 2007].
The end of the 1960’s would bring the enabling technology of the

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