
Evolution And Evolution Of Evolution

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Earth as the incredibly diverse and rather comfortable planet for copious amounts of distinct lifeforms as we know it did not directly materialize as so. Rather, nearly 4.6 billion years ago Earth’s core was formed via interstellar collisions, and coinciding with the physical development of our plant over billions of years was the establishment and evolution of life as we understand today.
In the sciences, evolution is a widely-accepted theory that posits the development, alteration, and otherwise change of a population of species. The evolution of a group of organisms is often mistakenly assumed to always be positive (i.e. the misconception that evolution is always a progression towards a “better” organisms). Given that evolution is a …show more content…

Accordingly, this discussion contends that genetic diversity, fitness, and adaptation are all collectively crucial components to measuring evolutionary success, and these qualities are further exemplified by the class of spirochetes (of bacteria).
Fitness, as defined by modern biologists, is the ability of an organism to pass on its genes to successive generations of offspring. When viewed at the individual level, the ability to reproduce may not entirely be necessary for a single organism. However, when observed collectively at the population level, the ability to reproduce and pass on genetic information is essential for the maintenance, proliferation, and eventual evolutionary success of the group in question. Without reproduction, a group of organisms will quickly become extinct; it is the collective success of fit individuals who are able to produce offspring that contributes to the overall success of a species or population.
Further, building on the necessity of reproductive fitness for evolutionary success is genetic diversity, which is the amount of variety and differences in the genomic sequence of individuals within a species. While individuals within a species share very similar genetics, variation in genomes caused by mutations account for genetic diversity. Mutations have been celebrated as one of many factors that contribute to these genetic variations. Mutations that occur within the genome of an individual may or may not exhibit phenotypic

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