
Evolutionary Psychology: Denys De Catanzaro's Theory Of Suicide

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Suicide is a very tricky subject because many people do not agree with one certain reason why someone would want to kill him or herself. In the textbook Evolutionary Psychology: New Science of the Mind written by David Buss (2012) suicide is explained through an evolutionary theory. This theory of suicide, which was developed by Denys de Catanzaro claims that a person resorts to suicide when they cannot contribute to their own inclusive fitness (Buss, 2012). This theory of suicide does a great job at explaining suicide through an evolutionary standpoint and many people may not agree with it.
Suicide is a complicated topic because there are so many views on why people do it. Denys de Catanzaro’s theory is one that most people may not believe …show more content…

Catanzaro’s theory covers all those topics, which is why I agree with his view. In an Article written in The Edmund Sun called Suicide Survivor’s Story Captivates Audience by Mark Schlachtenhaufen (2014) covers the story of suicide survivor Kevin Hines. Kevin was a speaker at a Zero Suicide Summit that was being held to tell his story to people about his attempted suicide. Kevin was lucky enough to survive a fall from the Golden Gate Bridge when he was 17 years old. When he talks about his attempted suicide he explains the state he was in at the time. He was very paranoid and heard voices in his head, he later learned if was suffering from mental illnesses (Schlachtenhaufen, 2014). Kevin felt he was a burden and that his parents did not want him. This connects to Catanzaro’s suicide theory and his indicator of disgrace and failure being connected to his inclusive fitness, because Kevin Hines felt he was a failure and burden to his parents (Buss, 2012, p. 100). I do believe that people commit suicide because they do not feel they have a purpose, they see no future and don’t want to pass their failure genes to their future

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