
Examining Discrepancies Between Self And Other Predictions Of Future Performance

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Experimenter’s name: Chelsey Jade Dempsey Title: Examining discrepancies between self and other predictions of future performance Background and aims of the experiment: The experiment was designed to find discrepancies between the different predictions of future performance. Self-efficacy and the research surround the subject has stimulated debate within research groups, different researchers have different theories on how self-efficacy affects performance. One side of the debate is that as long as self-efficacy is improving it will allow performance to improve, this is believed by Bandura (1997). However, as in all debates there is another side to Bandura’s (1997) findings, it can be stated that at as self-efficacy continues to rise it …show more content…

However, there will be a negative relationship which will involve self-ratings. Methods: The start of the study opened with both participants completing a range of questionnaires, these included the NPI16, the HSNS, the Rosenberg scale and the TROSCI. Along with these questionnaires one putting hole, one putter and 20 golf balls was used in the rest of the study. The questionnaires are followed by practice putts (3 x 20) where the results will not be recorded, then whilst the observer is carefully watching, the performance putts shall take place (8 x 20). On the completion of each performance round the performer will record their own self-efficacy from their view and also the perceived amount of effort they put in. The estimation of the total amount of points would be written down before each trial, with the completion of the final trial meaning participants would swap roles. Summary: There are clear skills and abilities that experimenters need to possess when conducting an experiment, the main one being knowledge of the subject. No matter the type of the experiment, knowledge is needed as how are they meant to recognise trends in their results or answer questions from participants if they know very little about a very particular subject. Other skills include communication, punctuality, reliability and the ability to

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