
Example Of Admission Essay Sample

Decent Essays

The ultimate goal of Pediatrics is to provide every child with an equal opportunity to reach and maintain good health regardless of socio-economic challenges. I have had the opportunity to attend medical school in China and to practice medicine in India. These experiences have played a key role in shaping my ability to adapt, operate, and thrive in an atmosphere of growing challenges. Practising in areas of diverse backgrounds has given me the flexibility to adapt to people from various cultures, religious backgrounds, and languages. My academic path, career and personal experiences within these countries has greatly shaped my approach to medicine. I have worked in environments with limited medical advancements and conversely functioned in …show more content…

For the first time I had the opportunity to work with an advanced Neonatology team, and the exposure was very educational as it introduced me to the new "family centered" medical care. The hospital encouraged parents to play a more prominent role in the care of their newborns with the help of a multidisciplinary team. The value of such an approach was most evident when I was able to explain the pathophysiology of Necrotizing Enterocolitis to concerned parents, who could not grasp the need for a delay in starting their newborn on feeds. I involved the parents by contrasting a normal abdominal x-ray to the changing abdominal gas patterns in their baby. Spending the time to educate them on their child’s condition was fruitful as it aided them in their medical decision process. This experience was reflective of my time as a volunteer in an underserved facility in India where parents had a far more limited role in the care of their child. If the parents are given the opportunity to play a partial role in the medical care of their child they could better assist in the preventive care and future medical

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