
Expatriate Interview Essay

Decent Essays

For my expatriate interview, I interviewed a childhood friend of mine who was born in Switzerland, but was raised in the United States; she calls the United states home despite her dual citizenship. She attended Texas Christian University and received a Bachelor of Science in Finance this past May. In the semester before her graduation, she studied abroad in Florence, Italy and from there had fallen back in love with Europe. It was this time that she knew that after graduation she would be moving back to Switzerland. After living in the country for around five months, she now works for General Electric in Baden. For the first part of our interview, it was mostly all general conversation and catching up on each other’s lives. I then began asking her about her experience from a planning standpoint, as we are close friends I was able to see the emotional and intangible toll a move like this can cause. Corinne had been interviewing with a company while still stateside and the process was similar to what a prospective employee may face when looking for a job across state lines in the US. From this, I asked her about her experience dealing with General Electric from a support system perspective. While most companies are keen on giving transferring employees sufficient resources to make the move easier, Corinne was basically starting for the firm in Switzerland. Due to this fact, she was not provided the same resource package. As we moved a long in the interview I discussed her

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