
Examples Of Interview Life Interview

Decent Essays

Life Interview of Mrs. L
The person I interviewed was Mrs. L. I know her because she is my mother’s mother. The interview took place at my house and the interview lasted about 2 hours and 20 minutes. I chose to interview Mrs. L because she seems to have done everything right and in the right order to lead to a successful life. I thought it would be interesting to go into depth and find out how she really did it and find out the hardships that came with making a successful family and life. (word count: 90)

Life Events-Childhood Mrs. L was born in 1951. She grew up in a single family home with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Her bedroom had pink walls with white furniture with pink trim. In comparison to other families her family was average. They made about the same amount of money that the people who lived around them did. Her father, Mr. C, worked in billboard postings and her mother, Mrs. B, sold Stanley products. Mrs. L attended public school and kept about and A to C average. Her favorite subject was English and her worst subject was Science. Mr. S was her favorite teacher because he would always tell the class what was on the test so they knew exactly what to study for. Mrs. L had a couple of good friends that she spent her time with also. They are Mrs. C, Mrs. D, and Mrs. E. Some events Mrs. L remembers from her childhood was getting her tonsils taken out at age five and kennedy being killed at age twelve. (word count: 170)

Life Events-

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