
Example of Sociobiography

Decent Essays

Terri Weedman

Sociobiography: What Shaped Me into Who I Am?

My name is TerriWeedman; I was born Sept. 4th, 1991. Let me start by saying a lot has influenced who I am today people as well as events that have flipped my life upside down and molded me into a better, stronger person then who I was a few years ago. I am going to tell you about a few people who I extremely admire, and a couple that have failed me.
My mother Jeanne has always raised me on a tight leash and taught me to have morals, ethics, self-respect, and class about myself. She raised me and my older brother by herself for a long time, and we never really got to have the “Wonderful” mother/daughter relationship every little girl wants with her mother, but because of …show more content…

I wouldn’t change anything about my life ever, because my life is who I

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