
Examples Of A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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I do believe pure evil exists, some people were born to be evil. Most times it isn’t the evil persons fault, it is what they are used to and what they have been taught their whole life. In the memoir A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah pure evil does exist. The infamous rebels murder little kids and rape women and they don’t see anything wrong with it. It is their job. The rebels are taught to be evil people. “The rebels were still in my village, angrily cursing and shooting their guns. At some point they pretended to be gone, and someone escaped and went back to the village. They captured him and I could hear them beating him. A few minutes later, gunshots were heard, followed by thick smoke that rose toward the sky. The forest was lit up by the fire that was set in the village” (Beah 35). …show more content…

Ishmael looks death in the eye on many occasions and he over comes it. Pure evil does exist, all you have to do is watch the news. It is always something bad happening in the world. I think some people are incapable of doing any good, I’m not talking a about normal everyday people I’m talking about the people who murder and torture people to get a rise out of it. Terrorist are a good example of pure evil. They are so evil they are willing to die to kill Americans, the tragic incident that happened on September 11th. No normal person in their right mind would do something so purely evil. Adolf Hitler couldn’t have had a conscience with all the evil things he did to innocent people. All those children, mothers, and fathers. Although Hitler didn’t commit all the murders himself he endorsed and ordered the deaths of 60-80 million

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