
Examples Of Anxiety In The Tell Tale Heart

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This article studies anxious psyche in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart.” The study is going to examine the story’s main character who suffers from bewilderment and anxiety. In the course of the story, there is an implicit mystery that makes the reader perceive the events in an unexpected way. Poe builds his story’s events on a narrative manner that make the reader suspicious. He gives the reader the opportunity to in interpret the story according to the expected events. Yet, the story does not end in according to the reader expectation. According, the current study will analyze the events from a psychological way. It will employ the concept of anxiety to discover the main character’s agitated psyche. The character meet unusual and abnormal coincidences ate the same time. These coincidences make him anxious. Here, my analysis will set out to discuss the gradual phases of the character’s anxiety. Additionally, my analysis will examine the character’s deteriorated psyche by using the concept of anxiety. Key words: Anxiety, Paranoia, Poe, Psychoanalysis 1. Introduction Anxiety is a psychological detrimental disease. Therefore, anxious people suffer from unstable psyche. Anxiety constitutes “not only amusements but whole ways of live have been cultivated that alleviate the restlessness or unease that any intimation of a …show more content…

Andrea Schaumlöffel argues that the story’s rhetorical structure gives it a new structural technique. That is, Poe experiments with the latent structural elements of the story to describe the psychological features of the narrator (24). The narrator suffers from anxious behaviors which make him deeply anxious. Then, the narrator becomes more anxious because of the “hallucinations” made by his sin to commit a crime (26). Yet, the story rhetorical structure provides the reader with a suspense quality by which the reader does not understand the true murderer

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