
Examples Of Auteur Theory In Memento

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Auteur Theory is defined in the dictionary as a theory that the director is the chief creator of a film and gives it an individual style that is evident in all aspects of the finished product. Andrew Sarris, an american film critic, coined the term “auteur theory” in an article he wrote in 1962. Sarris’ understands there to be three premises of auteur theory. The first premise is the technical competence of a director as a criterion of value. The second premise of the auteur theory is the personal style and personality of the director. The director uses certain characteristics of style that reoccur throughout their films which serves as their trademark, or signature. The last premise is about interior meaning, which refers to tension between …show more content…

Through his films the viewer truly only sees his vision of the film because not only does he direct, write and produce but he also does not have a second directing unit, so you truly get a sense of his personality through his films. Nolan has a great deal of trademarks that make him an auteur. The four most prominent aspects I found that Nolan uses in his work that lead us believe he is an auteur are his non-linear narratives, his use of music, his camera placement, and how he portrays the characters to the audience. In the movie “Memento” we can clearly see all of these trademarks being …show more content…

His opening scenes are usually a flashback or a piece of a scene from the middle or end of the movie. Throughout his movies he consistantly uses flashbacks and flash forwards, which add even more depth to the film. An interesting Nolan signature is that he begins his movies and introduces his main characters with a close up of their hands performing an action. In Memento the opening scene is of Leonard developing a picture, where he continuously shakes the polaroid until it is developed. In the opening scene we see a crime scene that shows a man dead. Then the film plays backwards showing us Leonard shooting Teddy. This clearly gets the audience attention right off the bat, leaving them eager to learn more about this murder and why it took place. This technique of Nolan’s was not only shown through The Memento but also in his other films such as The Prestige, Following and Batman Begins. In the Batman trilogy each movie opens up with a flashback, The Dark Knight opens up with a flashback to a robbery that is mentioned at the end of Batman Begins. Not only does this demonstrate his use of flashbacks but also how he tends to have the opening scene, of his films, be an action scene. Nolan’s use of nonlinear narrative challenges the audience to put the pieces together, which requires thinking while watching the

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