
Examples Of Catholic Social Justice

Decent Essays

Catholic social justice is the foundation of Catholicism, and is deemed to be followed in one’s everyday life. As a Catholic, I believe very firmly in the social justice, not only because of my foundation in the faith but because morally, it seems as if it is right to do. Catholic social justice is “built on a commitment to the poor.” (Communications) In service and volunteer work, one can experience this justice. Although it can be utilized on a single basis, it can also incorporate families, friends, communities, and nations to do better for others than don’t have enough. The social justice alludes that humans have certain rights and needs that need to be achieved, and we, as a community or individual, should reach out and help. This seems …show more content…

Even when another human does something wrong, we should show love and compassion – just as the leadership, love, and compassion Jesus had. When Jesus showed thieves, cheaters, and other criminals love and compassion, the Catholic social justice was extremely present. As Catholics, we are taught to try and follow Jesus’ example. Jesus was a perfect example of the responsibility we have to others. As stated previously, it is never another person’s responsibility to impose the death penalty on an individual, because they acted in an inappropriate manner. It may be necessary to correct the action and place them in a facility in which they cannot continue to harm themselves or others, but as a human, we have no right to take their life. Euthanasia, or the decision to “pull the plug,” or end their life, is also not allowed under Catholic social justice. As mentioned, we also have a responsibility to support each other. If we have enough money, food, shelter, etc. to satisfy our basic needs and wants, we then need to help others out that have not been as fortunate. Kindness and compassion can make such a large different to others, and it can as simple as donating time or money to a homeless shelter, or some organization in which others benefit. In the social justice, we are expected to put others before ourselves. In philosophy, love and compassion seem to be a human need. When humans reach out and assist one another, people can thrive and live a lifestyle in which they desire to live. Many times, when people are homeless or hurting, it’s just because there is a lack of support. If support is offered, many a time, these people are able to pass that along, and help others. When one helps, there is a definite

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