
Examples Of Censorship In Catcher In The Rye

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Essay #1 In the novel “The Catcher in The Rye” Salinger, the author, uses Holden’s interactions to both criticize society as well as reveal Holden’s symptoms of his psychological problems. In the novel, Salinger presents how unsympathetic people can be towards each other especially if you are like Holden, an emotionally scarred male teenager dealing with past trauma. Salinger also shows us that due to those unsympathetic behaviors and the trauma that comes with dead family members. Holden is a cruel and manipulative teen who lies without thinking twice. Holden even lied to people even though there was no problem telling the truth. People like Holden are incredibly difficult to sympathize with. Especially if this person lies straight to your …show more content…

Without these scenes, Salinger wouldn’t be getting his complete message to the audience due to censorship. By taking away these scenes, censorship would remove elements like characterization, mood and atmosphere. As well as completely remove a theme in general. Without these scenes, Salinger’s message would be censored. This censorship disrupts the messages he is trying to portray to his audience. Such as human empathy, and maturity. Within one of these scenes, Holden had his session with Sunny, who is a prostitute. To the reader’s surprise, Holden refused to do anything sexual with Sunny, but instead talked with Sunny about a multitude of thoughts he needed someone to empathize with. Elements such as atmosphere, mood, and characterization are disrupted by censorship. If these scenes are removed, we would not have known that Holden repeatedly angers others, by lying and manipulating and not giving what they want such as …show more content…

As well as removing entire themes, important moments of characterization as well as general atmosphere of the book. Essay #4 In the novel “The Catcher in The Rye”, Holden’s encounters with the nuns and Sally Hayes were quite similar with the general atmosphere with hate and phoniness but differ when it comes to topics. When Holden thinks about Sally Hayes and how she is such as phony, he becomes a hypocrite due to his unhealthy habit of lying. Holden looks at everything separately and individually, instead of looking at everything as a whole. Holden, with his flawed way of thinking, does not think about why the way things are and how they got there, for example when Holden hated the suit cases the nuns were using just because they were not of high quality. Not taking into account that these nuns could not afford top of the line brand new leather suitcases. Holden’s interactions with Sally Hayes and the nuns challenges Holden’s way of thinking because his corrupt way of thinking will prevent him from functioning very well in life especially with his negative outlook on life and others. Holden got lucky that he happened to know English literature so he could relate with the

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