
Examples Of Clarity In Siddhartha

Decent Essays

Happiness and Clarity
In Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha’s ultimate goal is to achieve spiritual enlightenment. He experiences many different environments before he finally reaches the stage he has been striving for. In order to achieve spiritual enlightenment one must have a sense of happiness and clarity, by examining the the river and the happiness among the characters we are able to note that in order to be self fulfilled one must have a clear head and a happy heart.
When crossing the river Siddhartha is able to see life clearer. The river provides him with wisdom and tranquility. "The river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere, and that the present only exists for it, not the shadow of the past, nor the shadow of the future” (Hesse 87). It is there where he discovers that time is an illusion and in order to be happy he must realize that life is not just a continuum of events. The river is also a symbol of the path to enlightenment as he crosses it in order to finally reach his goal. “But he who found, could give his approval to every path, every goal; nothing separated him from all the other thousands who lived in eternity, who breathed the Divine" (Hesse 90). There he realizes as he stares into the water that he is ashamed of what he has become. He feels lost but …show more content…

Through Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse we are able to determine that in life seeing life slowly and taking it step by step always with a good attitude is the way to live a happy good life. When wanting something taking a break from the steps we are taking to reach our goal and actually seeing analyzing and seeing things through will help reach self

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