
Examples Of Contrapasso By Dantes Inferno

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The idea of contrapasso has origins in Europe as early as the second century with the Apocalypse of Peter. (Medieval, 104) However, the word contrapasso was originally found in Aquinas’ Summa Theologica, in which he argues that God punishes sinners justly for their sins. Scholars disagree as to how Dante utilizes contrapasso. These usually break down into two schools of thought: one that believes Dante follows Aquinas’ definition precisely, and another that argues that Dante uses his definition as an abstract. Although Aquinas’ influence is seen throughout the Inferno, contrapasso is used not just as divine justice but also as a physical manifestation of the person’s sin. Dante’s conception of contrapasso is both ethical and metaphysical. (McIver-Lopez, …show more content…

In Inferno XXVI, the pilgrim encounters Ulysses enrobed in flames. No one knows exactly what his sin was: Dante’s sons believe that their father was attempting to demonstrate that Ulysses’ sin was false council, similar to Guido da Montefeltro’s in the next canto. Others, like Benvenuto da Imola say his sin is nothing but “trickery or deceit”. (Lansing, 422). However, Robert Lansing, in the Dante Encyclopedia believes differently, that Ulysses is to blame for the strategy of the Trojan Horse, the trick that lured Achilles out of hiding and to his death, and the theft of the Palladium which lead to the fall of Troy. (Lansing, 843) If Ulysses’ sin was false council, the contrapasso is on point; deceit is a consuming sin and lies often become inescapable. As these consume a person in life, so does the fire in death. The flame not only represents the consumption of the sinner, but also the perception of the sinner in life. The consuming flames replicate the attraction yet devouring nature of the sinners in life. Virgil explains that they are “swathed in that which burns him inwardly”. (Inferno, XXVI 47-48). These false counselors concealed their true intentions, and now fire hides their true identity. As in Inferno V, the punishment is a continuation of the lives of the

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