
Examples Of Corruption In The Book Thief

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In The Book Thief, Liesel Meminger stole a total of five books. Each book that Liesel stole is ironically portrayed as metaphors of her struggles and happy moments in her life. The first book that was stolen was The Gravedigger’s Handbook. This book represents both happy and sad moments in Liesel’s life. It reminded her of her brother Werner’s death and the last moments with her mother before Liesel’s arrival on Himmel Street. However, this book also created happy moments and a new a bond between her new foster father, Hans Hubbermann, as they formed a routine of reading and learning new words after Liesel woke up from her nightmares. The Gravedigger’s Handbook also ignited the flame inside Liesel for her deep love for words. The next book she stole was The Shoulder Shrug from a pile …show more content…

The next book she stole was The Whistler which symbolizes her friendship with Rudy. The Whistler was the first book that Liesel stole from Ilsa Hermann’s library, with Rudy by her side. Rudy also bravely recovered this book from the Amper river for Liesel after their enemy throws it in the freezing cold water, which shows Liesel and Rudy’s true friendship and trust. The fourth book Liesel stole was The Dream Carrier. This book portrays Liesel and Max and their common dreams, or nightmares, they had. Max also had many dreams of fighting the Fuhrer, or thoughts of the sky and colors. This book also symbolizes their friendship and how they came to discover that they are similar in many ways. The last and final book that Liesel stole was A Song in the Dark represents that such a small thing, like a song, is so great in its meaning, and how it shines even in something that can be so frightening like the night. It represents Liesel and her courage in her life and how even in the dark times her light shines and she is hopeful of the

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