
Examples Of Courage In Chakin

Satisfactory Essays

Sookan gains courage throughout the book, which will help here through life.

In the beginning of the book Sookan is not very courageous, for example when the sock girl were being taken away she nothing but stand there watching. "I knew better than to go outside" (Pg.60 Choi) This event changed Sookan, because she starts getting more courageous later on in the book she will need that.

In the middle of the book Sookan is getting more courageous, for example when she goes to school she doesn't what to say her Japanese name, until the teacher hits her ruler on the desk making a pencil flying that hits her face. "Narita Sensei banged her ruler on her desk, which sent a pencil flying. It hit me in the eye and I started to cry.... 'You refuse

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