
Examples Of Ctce Policies

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State’s CTE Policies—.
The Texas government has the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, as well as the Texas Workforce Commission. They help build the workforce, challenges, and opportunities to help with growing the education economy needs as they arise. The board is strengthening the academic knowledge from grades k-12 to ensure the college readiness and workforce. Greg Abbot announced the program is funded with $7.2 million in grants raised from the Texas Workforce Commission and Board. The grants are awarded throughout high schools. Designed to support all the programs that can help the students into the workforce, and have a learning experience.
Texas State Board of Education, has been in consultation with developing a foreign …show more content…

Through HB3348, THECB can start a pilot program to authorize certain junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs in the applied science, applied technology and dental hygiene fields.

CTE Issues—
Funding is always going to be an issue till they change the policy in the United States. Every school and program must be funded in some way or another. The US needs to make a change the school funding making sure it is going to all the right causes. The United States has seen funding and budget cuts year after year with no steady amount of funding for the programs. Leaving a serious situation to deal with when trying to progress as a country.
Employer and business leader engagement in design and support of effective pathways to careers. Texas has many polices with adding new programs into their system, however, to have a successful education system getting the employers and community involved is huge. Countries that are very successful with their CTE programs have non-stop support from employers. They realize how much they are also helping themselves in the future by helping support the programs.
New institutional structures at the regional labor market level in providing coordinated quality assurance and sustainability. This is just another down fall that affects Texas as well as the United States. Making sure there is an actual workforce for the

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