
Examples Of Current Issues In Healthcare

Decent Essays

Module 5: Final Paper: Current Issues Healthcare costs in the United States are soaring. To stop this cost inflation, healthcare organizations are being pushed to decrease those costs. Simultaneously, healthcare organizations are being pushed to increase quality. To motivate healthcare organizations to increase quality, the federal government has issued an enormous amount of new regulations and has decreased reimbursement when quality standards are not met. Thus, healthcare organizations must find a way to increase quality of care while decreasing costs. The newest wave of regulations from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have created an enormous financial burden on healthcare organizations. Just one section …show more content…

For long term care facilities specifically, CMS estimates that the burden of the new regulations will cost an average of $69,000 to implement and cost $55,000 annually each subsequent year (Moldawer & Paolillo, 2016). Healthcare leaders are tasked with finding the resources to become compliant despite the lack of reimbursement for implementation. Solutions and Recommendations Services must be coordinated, care must be patient and resident centered, and outcome driven. This is no different when striving to meet emergency preparedness regulations. Healthcare technology can create efficiency in workflow, as well as, assist with tracking and analyzing data. Efficiency can be created by decreasing the steps staff take to get supplies, move patients and residents, and provide cares. This may be done by moving where supplies are kept, moving the location of services being provided, or creating ease for staff while they are providing cares. To achieve efficiency, the right staff, the right supplies, and the right data must all come together at the right time (Brennan, Oelschlaeger, Cox, & Tavenner, 2014). In addition, leadership efficiency is vital. Manual data gathering and analyzing must be replaced with technology generated information. Frequent, non-productive meetings must be canceled. Leaders need to spend their time where the greatest

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