
Examples Of Dehumanization In The Book Night

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Stealing everything they have, treating them like animals, and taking their lives. These are all examples of dehumanization that millions of Jews experienced during the Holocaust. The book, Night, by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, provides an overview of Elie’s experiences during the Holocaust, and there were a multitude of ways that Elie and his inmates were dehumanized. It all started in 1944, when Elie and his family were deported from their home in Sighet and taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp. When they arrived, they had to leave their possessions on the train and went into the concentration camp where all of his family except his father were murdered. Elie and his father were dehumanized even more by looking just like …show more content…

There was a pile there already. New suits, old ones, torn overcoats, rags. For us it meant true equality: nakedness” (Wiesel 35). This is dehumanization because the Nazis once again took the Jews’ possessions away and it is not right to take away their clothes when they need them to survive in the harsh climate. Instead, they received striped shirts and pants that did very little to keep them protected. In short, one reason why the theme of Night is dehumanization is because the Nazis took away pretty much everything that the Jews owned. Secondly, the Nazis treated the Jews like animals rather than humans at the concentration camps. To start, they were herded around from place to place just like animals are. The book said that the prisoners from the different blocks were forced to fall into ranks and were forced to march and run to another concentration camp, and the SS (Schutzstaffel) made sure they kept going and sustained the pace. If they failed to do that, someone from the SS shot them (Wiesel 84-85). The Jews were basically herded to another concentration camp, just like animals are herded from one pasture to another. Next, the prisoners were also treated like animals because they got little food and did what they need to in order to survive. The text states, “In the wagon where the bread had landed, a battle had ensued. Men were hurling themselves

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