
Examples Of Dishonesty In The Great Gatsby

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Many people overlook their friends’ flaws due to their familiarity. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, a bondsman from the Minnesota, meets Jay Gatsby, a mysterious neighbor who throws extravagant parties. As Nick helps Gatsby woo his selfish and shallow cousin, Daisy, the twosome bond and become close friends. Nick narrates The Great Gatsby and praises Gatsby in a heroic light. Yet, with his imprecise self-image and inability to identify with the East Eggers, Nick forms an inherent bias towards Gatsby, which ultimately compromises his credibility as an objective narrator. At the beginning of his account, Nick claims to wait and observe before passing judgement on those around him. Reflecting on his father’s advice, …show more content…

In one of the most overt cases, Nick’s lack of neutrality is evident when he condemns Jordan, his professional golfer girlfriend, as “incurably dishonest” for cheating in her first golf tournament, while pardoning Gatsby for his criminal connections (58, 2). Both Jordan’s dishonesty and Gatsby’s relationship with Wolfshiem have nefarious intent; in fact, Wolfshiem’s moral negligence far surpasses Jordan’s. Yet, Nick fabricates a rationale to excuse Gatsby’s partnership and illegal actions even while passing judgement on Jordan for a lesser crime. Perhaps, Nick simply cannot see the similarities between the two cases; either way, Nick shows a preference for his friends. This inclination leads Nick to declare Gatsby “worth the whole damn bunch [of East Eggers] put together” (154). Nick’s report comes two years after the events in the book, which is enough time for Nick to form concrete images of everyone. These perceptions that Nick creates colors the way he thinks of each person when he tells the story, making him biased towards some members. The outburst displays Nick’s conviction that Gatsby is the victim, even though Gatsby - both a criminal and attempted adulterer - is not without fault. Nick’s emotional investment in Gatsby’s perception confirms his unreliability. In the end, Nick inability to set aside his own emotions causes his own perspective to become compromised and untrustworthy as a complete overview of the events leading to Gatsby’s

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