
Examples Of Disobedience

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Defiance, which is embedded in man, is manifested when grievances are present. Author Oscar Wilde previously commented, "It is through disobedience that progress has been made." Progress, which is defined as moving forward, is most tangible in the form of change. People, when unsatisfied, inherently seek social change through channels of communication to voice their dissent. Disobedience, or willful refusal, creates impetus to social progressivism as demonstrated in history by decolonization efforts, the civil rights movement, and political revolutions.
The phrase, "No taxation without representation," epitomizes an early example of disobedience in American history. English colonists endured England's mercantilist policies, such as the Stamp Act, which exploited the colonies' resources and revenues. Eventually, indignation against the Crown and the call for independence escalated into the American Revolution. While the colonists faced harsh punishments, such as the Intolerable Acts, their efforts to seek reparations by boldly challenging authority ultimately led to British withdrawal. …show more content…

Notable activists include Martin Luther King Jr., who spearheaded protests and marches in response to Jim Crow laws, and Rosa Parks, who refused to move on a racially segregated public bus. King and Parks practiced civil disobedience to prompt reforms in society like equality for the marginalized and people of color. Some may argue that blatant resistance does not promote social progress but rather disrupts the government's functioning. Although King and Parks were arrested for their disobedient actions, their endeavors induced public uproar, the outlaw of racial segregation, and the procurement of civil rights like the Fair Housing

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