
Examples Of Dramatic Irony In Hamlet

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In Act one, Scene five, lines 38-39, in this play called Hamlet written by Shakespeare. We find out that Hamlet`s father was murdered by Claudius. This is based on the facts that Hamlet meets with his father`s ghost in Act one, Scene five and told him, “the serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown” (I, v, 38-39). It is evident here, that Claudius killed his own brother to become king. In addition to this, Claudius even lied to everyone by hiding that fact that he was the one who killed the king and not a snake. With this knowledge in mind, this is an example of dramatic irony because we the audiences and Hamlet know that Hamlet`s father died due to Claudius and not a snake. While on the other hand, Claudius does not know

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