
Examples Of Envy In Othello

Decent Essays

Destruction Of Envy and Jealousy

Margaret Thatcher once said “ The spirit of envy can destroy; it can never build.” Thatcher speaks honestly that envy can only destroy never being able to build up to the expectations the soul truly wants. Likewise, the position of jealousy and envy has traumatic consequences in William Shakespeare's Othello. The detestation of jealousy and envy fueled by the insensitive not stopping till everything is destroyed. Othello teaches us about how jealousy and being envious lives upon doubt and creates madness to damage someone's life.

It's important to realize, jealousy can drive one’s mind into a state that they are so easily tricked into becoming a madman. Othello’s insecurities make him into a gullible man, …show more content…

Iago has pure hatred for Othello, and finds happiness in ruining his life. Iago tells the reason he really hates the “moor” so much ,"I hate the Moor: And it is thought abroad, that 'twixt my sheets he has done my office: I know not if't be true; But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety."(1.3.12).Iago says he hates Othello because he's heard a rumor that Othello has been sleeping up with Iago's wife, Emilia. Iago says he doesn't exactly know if the rumor's true, but he's gonna believe that is it and ruin Othello's life anyway. Iago tells Othello “ O beware my lord of jealousy? It's the green- eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”(3.3.195-197). Iago is easily manipulating Othello as if he is a human dolls. Iago warns Othello about being a jealous man and how it ends up destroying the purest of hearts who fall to victim. By fooling people into thinking you are being a friend and trying to help will make the victim blind to what's really going on. Iago is telling Othello many ironic things to his face “ men should be what they seem or those that be not , would they might seem none.”(3.3. ) Iago is letting Othello know that not every man is what they seem to be. Which sadly Othello doesn't know that Iago is talking about himself. Jealousy can make one many lies, But one who is envy at heart will not stop till they have got what

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