
Examples Of Father Son Relationship In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Most father-son relationships are about sports and awkward conversations about a girl, but Elie and his dad’s relationship was about staying alive. Throughout the book Night, there are several father-son relationships shown. The rabbi and his son, and Elie and his dad stay together through thick and thin. They helped keep each other healthy and alive daily. When Elie’s father died, Elie lost the will to live. After his father gave him the will to live throughout the holocaust, and then his father passed away, therefore, taking Elie’s life purpose and will to live.
Elie’s father is the only thing that got him through the holocaust alive. He always talks very fondly about his father. He says, “My father was a cultured man, rather unsentimental. He rarely displayed his feeling, not even within his family, and was more involved with the welfare of others than with his own kin” (Wiesel 4). His father never showed emotion, so when he did everyone else knew something was severely wrong. His dad really cared about Elie and wanted the best for him. It was like not wanting to watch the family dog that everyone grew up with being laid down. Nobody wants to have to bear …show more content…

The holocaust forced Elie to grow up into an adult-like figure. Elie was forced to mature and help take care of his father. Having to help to watch over your fifty-year-old dad’s health as only a mere fifteen-year-old is absurd and too complicated for many to withstand. “ I was terribly hungry, yet I refused to touch it. I was still the spoiled child of long ago. My father swallowed my ration” (Wiesel 42). Knowing that he was hungry, but knowing his father needed the bread more, Elie gave his father his ration of food for the day. Elie suffered more, just to help his father feel

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