
Examples Of Feminism In Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston

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When asked about the concept of feminism, Domitila Barrios de la Chungara said that it was the idea that “women [should] be respected as human beings who can solve problems and participate in everything-- culture, art, literature, politics, trade-unionism-- a liberation that means our opinion is respected at home and outside the home” (Chungara). As an author, this idea is fully embraced in the writing of Zora Neale Hurston. Growing up in Eatonville, Florida in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, Hurston was inspired to write about the African American culture she experienced there (Boyd). However, her works are also written to protest the inequality under which women labored in a male dominated society and to confront readers with the feminist ideal that “women and men should have equal opportunities in economic, political and social life” (Balkan 11.2). Zora Neale Hurston's short story “Sweat” embraces feminism by challenging the preconceived notions regarding gender roles in society both personally and professionally. One idea found in both feminism and Zora Neale Hurston’s short “Sweat”, is the refusal to accept the gender roles traditionally forced on to women. These female gender roles are, as Dr Catherine Lavender describes, fulfilled by a pious, pure, submissive and domestic woman
Hagin 2 (Lavender pp 2-3). Delia as a character, is written in direct contrast with the traits of a domestic woman and, as such, challenges socially accepted roles of women through her

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