
Examples Of Foils In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo & Juliet Foils Juliet’s mother, Lady Capulet, and the Nurse are foils. Foils are used to highlight the attributes of the main character. The Nurse cared for Juliet as if she were her own. She acted as Juliet’s mother and nursed her as well. The Nurse had a daughter, Susan, who passed away and would have been the same age as Juliet. Lady Capulet, Juliet’s mother was not a mother figure. She didn’t know anything about Juliet. She could not even recall her age. Lady Capulet said “I have rememb’red me; thou’s hear our counsel. Thou knowest my daughter’s of a pretty age.” (Act I Scene III) She relied on the Nurse to nurture and care for Juliet at times she should have been there. The Nurse is very comical and lenient. She is also explicit and carefree. Despite her carefree attitude, she was very caring with Juliet. Hence, she stated “Thou wast the prettiest babe that e’er I nursed.” (Act I Scene III) She is very open and does not feel the need to sugar coat anything. She says explicit jokes around Juliet & Lady Capulet that makes Juliet laugh. “No less? Nay, bigger! Women grow by men.” …show more content…

One is their love for Juliet. However, it might not be the same amount of love. They were both distraught when they received the news of her death. They also felt very hurt when Tybalt died. Tybalt was the Nurse’s best friend and Lady Capulet’s cousin. The Nurse turned on Romeo and Juliet when she found out that Romeo killed Tybalt. She yelled to Juliet “...Romeo is banishèd; and all the world to nothing...I think it is best you married with the county. O, he;s a lovely gentleman! Romeo’s a dishclout to him.. so fair an eye As Paris hath.” (Act III Scene V) She encourages Juliet to go against her vows and marry Paris instead of staying with Romeo. Lady Capulet wants to get rid of Romeo as well for “slewing” Tybalt. They also wanted to see Juliet married. They both tried to persuade her to marry Paris but, it did not

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