
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Of Mice And Men

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In the novel “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck the author uses foreshadowing many times in the story and there was an important foreshadowing in the book. Foreshadowing is when the story gives hints about an event that'll happen later in the story. In the story two young men, named George and Lennie, went out looking for a job so they can start a new life but as times go on they start having complications. In the story Carlson was explaining to Candy that his dog was no use for anything and that it smelled. Carlson was asking candy to let the dog down but candy didnt want to, so he told Candy that he would do it himself. “Carlson was not to be put off. "Look, Candy. This ol' dog jus' suffers hisself all the time. If you was to take him out

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