
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Of Mice And Men

Decent Essays

“Nobody gets to heaven and nobody gets no lan’.” These bleak words are spoken by Crooks in Of Mice and Men, and they make it clear to the observant reader that something will stop Lennie, George and Candy from achieving their dream of owning a ranch. This kind of foreshadowing is seen in other novels and short stories such as “The Most Dangerous Game”. Authors use foreshadowing for a plethora of reasons such as building suspense to giving the reader context for future events in the story or building suspense. One example of foreshadowing used to give context for future events in the story in is Of Mice and Men when George is telling Slim how he and Lennie got run out of weed. “‘So he reaches out and feels this dress, an’ the girl lets out an squawk.’” This gives the reader context for the later scene in the book where Lennie kills Curley's wife. It establishes that Lennie has a hard time controlling himself when he gets into a panic, and that he likes to touch soft things. Thus, when Curley’s wife invites him to touch her hair, Lennie inadvertently snaps her neck. …show more content…

“Slowly, inch-by-inch the General's eyes traveled up the tree. Rainsford sat frozen in his hiding place on a high branch, as the General stoped, produced his pipe, and proceeded to blow a single smoke ring in Rainsfords direction. With that the General left Rainsford to his terror.” This passage foreshadows that the general will be able to easily track Rainsford down if he does not change his tactics. It holds the reader's attention by making them wonder what the General will do to track Rainsford down next, as well as how Rainsford will evade the

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