
Examples Of Forgiveness And Reconciliation

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The process involved in forgiveness and reconciliation can be very simple or very complex depending on the situation. One time my friend took money from my wallet, I think it was a $20 bill and I caught him in the act. We were both in the car and I parked at the mall and I left the car for about five minutes and when I was walking back I saw in reach into my glove box and take money out of my wallet. I was shocked and confronted him right away. He said he needed money to pay for his brother back. Since he is a friend of mine I forgave him and just said he could just ask for money and didn’t have to steal from me. We are still friends and I still hang out with him on the regular but I don’t trust him anymore. Trust is defiantly something that …show more content…

The Amish are very religious and spiritual people who believe that forgiveness is more than a good thing to do but forgiveness is the thing to do. In the Amish perspective the test of faith is action so forgiving their children’s killers with hours of death really shows what kind of people they are and is very inspiring. The way the Amish people responded to the killings was such a shock. One of the things I liked about that article was when they said that religion was not used to justify rage but to inspire goodness, forgiveness, and grace. Even members of the community visited the gunman’s widow and parents. For the majority of us the process of forgiveness is a journey and may never happen so just the fact they forgave so quickly was viewed as emotionally unhealthy to many. Forgiveness has a meaning of not holding a grudge and the Amish were very clear that it does not make the shooter free from punishment. If he were to live the Amish people would have wanted him to be locked up but not for reasons of revenge but for the purpose of protecting other children. Most people growing up learn about forgiveness and have experienced it one way or another. People need to learn that forgiveness is an essential part of healing and is a process towards inner peace. Learning that forgiveness is an internal process where you identify the hurt and analyze the situation as well as your emotions helps you rebuild a sense of safety and letting go of a grudge. The whole process of forgiveness does not usually involve the offender, most of the time not at all until confronted. As where reconciliation is an internal process where you have a talk with the offender to talk about various things such as what happened, each other’s stories, viewpoints, reasoning’s, expressing the hurt, emotions, and so on. When reconciliation happens it moves beyond forgiveness because it is

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