
Examples Of Four Trends In Digital Health

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4 Trends in Digital Health to Keep an Eye On in 2018

Digital health technologies are changing healthcare for good. The sector is of interest to healthcare professionals and investors. According to Rock Health, the first half of 2017 has seen a record-breaking year in terms of digital health investments. During the first half, $3.5 billion was invested in a range of digital health companies from health insurance companies to service providers.

With investment boosting innovation, what can you expect from the sector next year? Here are four trends in digital health to keep an eye on in 2018.

Data to become better integrated and analysed

Big data continues to dominate the discussion around technology and digital health is no different. …show more content…

This kind of early intervention is going to lead to improved success rates but also reduce cost of treatment. End of care treatment is often much higher in cost than early intervention – certain issues can be improved simply with free lifestyle changes such as better quality sleep and nutrition.

Interventions are also not just going to be about big data. Technology will also improve to mean some interventions are digital – actual digital products will be used to improve patient care. Already things such as gene therapy and monitoring implants are used to administer drugs and help cure disease. The use of these types of technologies is likely to going to increase in 2018. This sector is developing rapidly and it encompasses a range of things so analysing it further is difficult in advance.

Insurance to start focusing on behavioural health

One of the most notable things in 2017 has been the shift in dealing with mental health issues. Numerous campaigns around the world are trying to reduce the stigma associated with problems such as depression. There has also been recognition that mental health problems can have devastating consequences to society as a whole if these issues go unsolved. Companies understand that they shouldn’t just focus on employees’ physical health but also treat the mind – it can help improve productivity and talent retention.

This enhanced focus on the behavioural health is likely to spill over to

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