
Examples Of Growth Mindset In Othello

Decent Essays

Kimberly Smith

Ms. Milliner


January 18, 2017


To get to a certain goal, people are suppose to have a certain mindset to

achieve so. There are two categories mindset falls in; fixed mindset and growth mindset.

Fixed mindset is a mantra that is repeated over and over again that the holder will keep.

For example, claiming that you are an idiot or a failure after failing a test. Only to then

wallow in the fact that they failed and not try again. They then use things to cope with the

fact and never bring it back up. It can create a “feeling of utter failure and paralysis.”. On

the other hand, a growth mindset is allowing already known skills to build and prosper as

one gains experience. Another example is when failing …show more content…

He, despite his place and power does not like Othello. One

of the main reasons is that Othello appointed Cassio as Lieutenant instead of

him, who had been with Othello for many years. His main goal through the entire

play is to watch Othello fall. He has a very fixed mindset on the matter and stay

with it. No real amount of convincing could convince him that his plan was

incorrect. His way of coping is to see that Othello has fallen.

Despite being so fixed minded, he is very gritty. He uses anything and

anyone to get his plan rolling. This could go to having his wife do something as

simple as giving him her Lady’s handkerchief, or even using Roderigo on a very

drunken Cassio which risks him his life. He has his goal in mind and nothing will

stop him until he got what he wanted. He lies in order to get his means. Iago’s

plan was slow and drawn out, and for that he was able to add more things to

sabotage Othello. After his plan was finished, many of the characters are gone

due to him, including his own wife, used to his own game.

Desdemona was Othello’s wife during in this play. She stuck by her

husband every step of the way. Sadly, she was used in a scheme to …show more content…

She did everything in her power to

show him she was innocent. Her mindset to stay with Othello shows that she

cares about nothing but him.

She her grittiness to get Othello to believe her. This does include

enduring him hitting her or his countless harsh words to her. She kept on and

wanted nothing but to be proven innocent by him. Desdemona loves her

husband too much to let him suddenly call her such words without an

explanation. She worries about his safety and wellbeing. But she does all in her

power to see that he tell her what is wrong. Sadly, her wish is granted only after

Othello has murdered her. Till the very end, she stuck with him and loved him.

Roderigo was a very gritty character. He had his mind set on

Desdemona after hearing she was with Othello. It is hinted that he had a thing

for Desdemona and didn’t want this to happen. He teams up with Iago to then

remove Othello out of the picture. He gives Iago money in order for his wish.

Due to Iago’s plan, he then coaxes a drunken Cassio into a fight which is meant

to kill him. However, he fails. He does try, however, it backfires and Cassio

remains alive. Roderigo is still wounded and is given the death blow by

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