
Examples Of How Bond Is Broken In Hamlet

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Hamlet: The Bond is Broken In today’s world, when you think of a mother-son bond, you think of their bond being strong, loving, and much like a father-daughter bond. That bond was broke between Gertrude and Hamlet, after his father, Old Hamlet murder. You can see that throughout the whole play, in some scenes more than others. In Hamlet’s mind, the mother-son bond could have still been there if his mother had not gone off to marry his uncle Claudius. “Frailty thy name is women.” is Hamlet speaking about the weak insecure marriage between his mother and his father’s brother Claudius right after everyone found out about the death of Old Hamlet. Gertrude’s own son Hamlet felt betrayed by his own mother. One can only imagine what was going through …show more content…

Or was she with him only so she could be the Queen? What is difference from today to back then is the support his mother did not give him after his father passed. Usually the mother-son bond would grow stronger, and they would support each other through the tough time they are both going through; or at least Hamlet is going through. Hamlet does not see his mother the same way anymore. You can tell by the word and attitude he had towards her, in Act 3 scene 4, Hamlet states, “No, by the rood, not so. You are the queen, your husband’s brother’s wife, and—would it were not so! —you are my mother.” When reading that certain line, one could tell, there is hardly a bond at all between Hamlet and Gertrude. Hamlet is saying he wishes Gertrude was not his mother at the end of that line. Hamlet then goes on to ask, how she had done such an act? To marry Claudius so soon after his passing, and lie about the vows she had read to Claudius at the wedding. Hamlet might have been thinking in this situation: how can one person read vows to her son’s father, and then go off and say the same vows to her husband’s brother? The man who also happened to be her brother in-law. As Gertrude was made to look in a mirror at herself, in act 3 scene 4,

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