
Examples Of Hysteria In The Crucible

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Supernatural and mass hysteria both were influenced in “ The crucible “ example of supernatural on page 10 in the book it says , "I saw Tituba waving her arms over the fire when I went ahead you". He saw everything that occurred in the forested areas that time . After that day Betty would not wake up, or she would have her eyes open yet would not talk or walk. Many people trust that it's witchcraft, Mrs. Putnam trusts that Tituba killed her seven conceived babies and that Tituba can likewise address the dead. Mrs. Putnam is an extremely solid devotee of witchcraft. Her little girl Ruth Putnam is additionally exceptionally debilitated she has an indistinguishable manifestations from Betty Mrs. Putnam thinks Ruth was near addressing her dead …show more content…

On page 22 Abigail williams had a conversation with john in their conversation abigail claimed that he helped her realize a lot of lies they told her in salem. They told people they must confess their crimes any wrong they have done or they will be hanged “ you will confess yourself or i will take you out and whip you to death, tituba!” One this act 2 hale is discussing the powers of the dark that are destroying salem. Hale don't realize he has powers like his own fears and suspicious are the real powers of the dark. The hysteria that is encouraged by the same persons who keep supernatural demons. “ i am not empowered to trade your life for a lie.” Danforth has been sent people to be killed based on lies about their dealings anything that doesn't confirm that he was right everything there for has been a lie. Mass hysteria build up quickly in accusations of witchcraft throughout salem it grows larger than the influence of voices in the community. Many witches confess to avoid the death penalty. Mass hysteria was blinding people of salem for them not to see what was really going on they were convinced there was a grand satanic messing up in town they would not hesitate to blame anyone who could be involved who ever blame anyone they are considered something witchcraft …show more content…

Mass hysteria was more related when mary was not able to faint outside of a charged courtroom she believed she had seen spirits because she was caught delusioning around those who were around her. Abigail was trying to distract the judges around her from any investigation here is where mass hysteria was playing in the story this lead to mary's hysteria accusation of proctor after she found herself selected by other girls. Danforth is convinced that everyone who is in prison is for sure guilty and they have to be forced to admit it. On this book there was just more mass hysteria than supernatural. Many people confessed when they were threatened with execution. Hysterical and dramatic stuff of the accusers made people believe they have seen proof of witchcraft. Danforth is demonstrating the effects of hysteria danforth told rebecca nurse “ now , woman you surely see it profit nothing to keep this conspiracy any further. Will confess yourself with him?” He also becomes mad with proctor because in his confession he is not naming any names rebecca is accused of being seen with the devil. Actions are often not and often yes motivated by fear and wanting something for revenge and power. Parris insisted there was no unnatural causes for betty's illness he fears something about witchcraft

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