
Examples Of Impulsivity In Romeo And Juliet

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Impulsivity Throughout Romeo and Juliet

Teenagers often get blamed for being impulsive but in actuality they’re not the only ones. Adults can be just as impulsive and sometimes more. In Romeo and Juliet, even though the adults make irrational and impulsive decisions, Romeo and Juliet are always the ones that are blamed for being impulsive. Hardly anyone stops to think about how impulsive the adults are, or where Romeo and Juliet get their impulsive instincts. Romeo and Juliet weren’t the only impulsive characters in the play; the impulsivity of characters like The Prince, Lord Capulet, and The Friar play a big role in the play. First, The Prince was a very impulsive character and his impulsivity played a big role in the outcome of the play. After breaking up a fight between the Capulets and the Montagues, the Prince gives a speech incorporating this statement: “If you ever disturb our streets again, / Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the piece.” (i.i.98-99) He tells the houses that if they are caught fighting again they will be put to death. Although it makes sense that he would want to punish them for their civil disturbance, this …show more content…

Most of Romeo and Juliet’s decisions, especially the impulsive ones, were backed by Friar Lawrence. He always had second thoughts about whether it was the right thing to do and he always went through with it anyway. In fact, there is an argument to be made about whether he is the most impulsive character in the play. For instance he agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet even though he says, “These violent delights have violent ends” (ii.Vi.9) He knew it was a bad idea and yet his impulsivity got the better of him anyway. This decision to marry them had lots of consequences for instance, if he hadn’t had married them Romeo wouldn’t have got in the way of the fight and caused Mercutio’s death which led to his

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