
Examples Of Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Imagine a devil and an angel. The good and the bad. One side tells people to do wrong, one side tells people to do well. Only one side can be acted upon. Which one do will be chosen? If the good side or the angel is chosen, then you have integrity. Integrity- the act of following morals. The book, To Kill a Mockingbird is told through the main character, Scout, when she was older flashing back on a memory. She witnessed racism of an innocent black man being sentenced, accused of a wrongful killing. Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the characters show the development of the theme integrity by their reactions to events in the novel. The first example of integrity is when the character, Walter Cunningham, is stopping the men at the jail from attacking Atticus. Atticus is preventing the men from entering the jail to aggravate Tom Robinson, the black man accused of a crime. While Scout and the children beg to stop the horrible situation, Walter realizes that revolting is wrong. Cunningham shouts to everyone …show more content…

Scout explains to the teacher why Cunningham never takes anything they are not able to pay back - “no church baskets and no scrip stamps. They never took anything off of anybody, they get along on what they have. They don't have much, but they get along on it.” (Lee page 26) Cunningham shows his integrity because he does not need lots of money to survive, and depends on his family. He is not listening to anyone else and is sticking to his own morals. Another good example is when Scout is trying to defend Walter when he could take a quarter. Scout says to the teacher, Miss Caroline, “Because that's the only way he could pay me. He has no money.” (Lee page 28) Walter shows integrity, by sticking to his morals and not taking the teacher's money, even though he could easily just take the

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