
Examples Of Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Having integrity is more challenging for one than one may think or imagine. Those who possess integrity are individuals who are essential to the many changes that have occurred over time in our world. The impact of someone with true integrity is important because not only can it create change for the better but it will also inspire others to act with integrity as well. An example of this is Nelson Mandela, a man who grew to fight the discrimination around him in South Africa sacrificing his freedom and putting his life at risk. His actions against racism have changed south Africa Forever and inspired others to think the same way which one can see from the amount of followers that he had around the world. To Kill A mockingbird by Harper Lee is a book about the Finch family, Scout, Jem and Atticus Finch, living in Maycomb. The characters are faced with a society of people who are prejudiced towards those who are different from themselves in one way or another. Throughout the course of this book integrity is crucial for the development of the characters and their actions against discrimination. The film The Power of One directed by John G. Avildsen is about a boy, Pk, who grows up in South Africa first living with his mother and after her death with a man named Doc. Pk becomes a symbol of hope to the kafirs as he begins to help them in the prison. Assuming his role in helping the kafirs, PK begins a life of proaction against the condescendence towards the native african

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