
Examples Of Irony In Lamb To The Slaughter

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Irony essay The stories Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl, and Charles by Shirley Jackson both represent irony. Irony, in basic terms, is the opposite of the expectation. In the short story “Charles” by Shirley Jackson, the author writes about a boy named Laurie telling stories about an imaginary kid at school. The second story, “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl, is about a woman, Mary Maloney, who murders her husband with a leg of lamb. Roald Dahl and “Charles” present humor in the stories “Lamb to the slaughter” irony in some shape or form by Shirley Jackson. In the story Lamb to the slaughter, the characters use irony. The quote portrays this “Personally, I think it's right here on the premises - probably right under our very noses.” This quote illustrates humor in the story “Lamb to the slaughter” because the police talk about how they think the evidence is right under their noses, but in reality they are eating the murder weapon. Another quote also portrays it when it says, “She swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the wit and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of his head.” This quote provides evidence that humor is relevant in the story of Lamb to the slaughter because it’s humorous that Mary Maloney killed her husband with a leg of lamb. These quotes prove the thesis statement because they provide evidence of how humor is used as irony in the story. …show more content…

She said, “We don't have a Charles in the kindergarten.” This quote shows humor in the story “Charles” because Laurie was Charles all along. Another example of humor in the story in the text is, “He gave the crayons around and he picked up the books afterwards and the teacher said he was her helper.” This shows humor, because it was notorious for Charles to be a bad kid, so when he was good for a change, everyone found it funny. These examples prove that humor is used as irony in the

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