
Examples Of Isolation In Catcher In The Rye

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In J.D Salinger's novel “The Catcher in the Rye” the main character Holden is depressed, lonely and he doesn’t have friends, even though he has people around that potentially could be his friends. In this essay I'm going to talk about how he has affected the situation himself. Holden's loneliness and Isolation are partly ways of self protection and the preservation of his detachment from the “phony” adult world. He is deliberately removing himself from the endless chances of making normal friends, friends he would already have like Sally or Jane. Just to make his situation even more complicated he actually wants people in his life and is desperate to have someone to talk to and spend time with, like at the time when he asked the cab driver to come to drink with him and even offered to pay. "Well – take me to the Edmont then," I said. "Would you care to stop on …show more content…

He also lies to basically everyone around him, he puts up a front so he wouldn’t have to show his real self and his vulnerability to other people. Holden also lies to himself because he is insecure, he does it to make himself feel better about him as a person and just generally the world. He also needs it to maintain his very altered sense of the world and human nature.”I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's awful. If I'm on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where I'm going, I'm liable to say I'm going to the opera. It's terrible” (pg.16). Here Holden even admits that he lies a lot and he describes it as “terrible”, but can't help himself when he finds himself in an situation he could get away from with lying. The thing that Holden doesn't fully understand is the fact that nobody wants to be his friend if he's just lying to them and treating them like

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