
Examples Of John Proctor's Flaws In The Crucible '

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A great noble person who happen to have some flaws in them, those flaws happen to make them make a bad decision and turns into a mistake very quickly that same mistake happens to become his weakness that makes this person suffer greatly through everything happening. John Proctor comes to mind he fits that description perfectly. John Proctor has made a terrible mistake in his past and it is gonna be part of the cause of the whole accident going on. John Proctor is a very noble person, he helps his town in many different ways. John Proctor built the door of the church, goes into town when he is needed. Everything goes downhill when he cheated on his wife Elizabeth Proctor with Abigail Williams. Abigail started to fall in love John Proctor and does witchcraft, cursing Elizabeth to die and have John Proctor to herself. This is when the accusations start to happen and people start being killed, …show more content…

If John Proctor wouldn't have cheated on Elizabeth, Abigail's obsession would have been a crush and probably gone after away, Since John felt the same about Abigail he made that mistake of touching her. John explained to her that she was a mistake it was never meant to happen that it was never going to happen again either he wanted to be pretending it never happened. Abigail had the opposite opinion about that, She obviously got upset and wanted him to herself she had Tituba and other girls from the village and do witchcraft it was all fun and games until she drank chicken blood. Later on Abigail accuses random people of being witches and one day John was called into town and it was Abigail and John alone she told him she could stop this if he were to go with her and leave his wife he refused and she forced herself on him and John threw her off not wanting to make the same mistake over

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