
Examples Of Just Out Of Place In Tartuffe

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Justly Out of Place
Tartuffe is portrayed as a light hearted comedy that a reader can sit down and enjoy; however, there are layers underneath that must be peeled back to see a theme that is crucial to the play, feminism. Moliere’ has created this wonderful drama in which three ladies stand out and really drive the action. Madame Pernelle’s excessive ranting, Dorine’s disrespectful back talking, and Elmire’s devious scheming seem to be the only actions taken to resolve the conflicts of Master Orgon’s household. Moliere’ has given us a look into a particularly odd eighteenth century home, where ladies should be demure and soft-spoken; and yet these three women are not. Though a humorous piece of literature, Tartuffe makes a serious, feminine …show more content…

She shows her sense of superiority by belittling almost everyone in the house, and no one questions her about it because she does have some control. Madame Pernelle begins to reproach the household starting with Dorine saying, “See? A servant with an opinion . . . Were I in charge here, you’d be out the door” (I, i, 14, 16). Continuing to fling insults, she says to her grandson, “Just as I told my son, ‘Your son’s a brat. He won’t become a drunkard or a thief, and yet, he’ll be a lifetime full of grief’“(I, i, 20-22). Also, to her granddaughter she says, “You think that we’re beguiled by your quietude, you fragile flower, but as they say, still waters do run sour” (I, i, 24-26). Madame Pernelle’s rude comments show us that she has the authority to say these things aloud. Madame Pernelle also insults her step daughter-in-law, Elmire, when she says, “Behavior such as yours leads straight to hell” (I, i, 28). All of these remarks are very bold and unladylike for the 1700’s but this behavior resembles that of a men who speak quite freely and as vulgar as they please. Comparing her behavior to men’s is parallel to the theme of feminism in the play. Madame Pernelle is strong in character and speaks her mind as freely as she wants, giving us our first instance of …show more content…

Though Madame Pernelle is a grouchy old lady who makes extremely uncouth remarks, her comments indicate that she has a strong sense of seniority and has the freedom to speak as she pleases. The maid, Dorine, demonstrates the power of defiance when she questions the motives of her boss as well as his daughter. She illustrates a strong fervent character who defies authority to obtain it. Lastly, Elmire reveals the influence of sharp thinking and women’s control in a marriage. Moliere’ has given us a feminist play where women ,that men and women can relate to, deal with modern problems in an 18th century time frame such as adjusting to change with the Madame Pernelle, dealing with inferiority with Dorine, and fighting for influence and trust in one’s spouse with Elmire. Though men have their parts in this play, the women most definitely step up to stimulate the action and prove that their influence is equal to men’s

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