
Examples Of Life Lessons In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Life lesson. Noun. Something from which useful knowledge or principles that which can be learned. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee; is filled with tons of life lessons that the reader can learn from. It goes from discrimination, equality, to courage, yet those are just a few examples in the book. To Kill a Mockingbird reminds us that history is significant because it shows the effects of American racism against blacks, the views of Jim Crow laws by the whites, and to those who challenged to change the mindsets in that time period.
In the book, it shows a clear picture of the effects of American racism against the blacks. The time period of the 1930’s, it was filled with disturbing words spoken to the African Americans. The …show more content…

Jim Crow Laws were state and local laws enforcing racial segregation in the Southern United States. It was made because, in that time period, the whites felt the need to have more control over the blacks. It made segregations in public areas like churches and restaurants. But in some states, interracial marriages were outlawed, and sometimes couples would get treated. An example of an interracial marriage is Mr.Dolphus Raymond, who is a white man who chose to marry a black woman and have biracial children. With this, many people in Maycomb are not fond of his lifestyle. Many people have opinions on him, just like Jem’s opinion on the “mixed children”. “One who is half-white, half colored us a real sad because they do not belong anywhere… they’re just in between, don’t belong anywhere” (Chapter _, page _”. So, it is not only Mr. Dolphus who is getting judged but also his children. In today’s society, it is fine to have interracial marriages, but there are still some opinions about it. Just like my cousin. She is married to an African-American man, and at first, my family members were shocked, but quickly accepted them

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