
Examples Of Life Lessons In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Life lesson. Noun. Something from which useful knowledge or principles that which can be learned. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee; is filled with tons of life lessons that the reader can learn from. It goes from discrimination, equality, to courage, yet those are just a few examples in the book. To Kill a Mockingbird reminds us that history is important because it shows the effects of American racism against blacks, the views of Jim Crow laws by the whites, and to those who challenged to change the mindsets in that time period.
In the book, it shows a clear picture of the effects of American racism against the blacks. The time period of the 1930’s, it was filled with harsh and cruel words spoken to the African Americans. The …show more content…

As, you know already the era of To Kill a Mockingbird is based in a horrible history that the America has faced with racism against the blacks. Those who challenged to change the mindsets of having equality for blacks and whites got negative feedbacks, not only themselves but their families and friends who support them. There are a few characters who I try to change the mindset of others in Maycomb. mentioned before, Atticus is defending Tom Robinson. As soon as he decided to defend Tom comma he challenged to change the mindset of others. He wanted to show that black folks are just like them; it is not about color. Atticus challenged then further when he debriefed his case saying “ you know the truth, and the truth is this: some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some negro men are not to be trusted around women - black or white. But this is a truth that applies to human race and to no one particular race of men.” (Chapter 20, page _) Also Tom Robinson had challenged to change mindsets. As he got question from mr. Gilmer, he stated “I felt sorry for her… (chapter 19, page _), he was talking about my Mayella Ewell. When he said his statement everyone was shocked because they Black Folk should not feel sorry for a white butt the other way around. With that Tom challenged the people of Maycomb to see that a black folk can show sympathy to

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