
Examples Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus faces many trial and tribulations on his way home from the Trojan War. On Odysseus’ 10 year journey to Ithaca, he is pressed with hardships that test the strength of his values. Values, in the time of the ancient Greeks, were about hospitality, intelligence, order, and several others that were a part of everyday life. While Odysseus encounters instances of these values or contrasting elements of these values, one of the largest themes of The Odyssey is loyalty.
At the very beginning of Odysseus’ story, the goddess Athene is the catalyst to all of the descending events. She is the one that convinces Zeus to send Hermes to the island of Calypso push Odysseus along. In her plead to her father, she says the following: “Day after day she does her best to banish Ithaca from his memory with soft, persuasive words; and Odysseus, who would give anything for the mere sight of the smoke rising up from his own land, can only …show more content…

He has not a single clue as to what has happened--besides the Suitors, in which Odysseus has already made his judgement. But for his family, his most trusted servants and maids, Odysseus doesn’t know who to trust. In an effort to make sure that he still has people on his side despite the years that have passed, he disguises himself as a beggar: “‘You, on the contrary, are in no hurry even to ask questions and learn the news. No; with your own eyes you must first make sure of your wife--who, by the way, does nothing but sit at home with her eyes never free from tears as the slow nights and days pass sorrowfully by.’” (13, 117) Athene is, once again, there to praise Odysseus for his intelligence, and encourages his plan to infiltrate the palace. Trust is a of huge importance to Odysseus and for the other characters; whoever has remained loyal to Odysseus stays alive, and those who have not receive his wrath. One of the first people that Odysseus “tests” is his old friend

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