
Examples Of Optimism In Candide

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Candide; The Struggle of Religion and Optimism
“A hundred times I… overboard head first” (Voltaire 373). Candide a short story written by Voltaire, was published in 1759, during a time that was unacceptable to be out spoken. Voltaire received sharp criticism of his views and outspokenness in his works. During the course of Candide, the main character Candide meets an old lady, the old lady shares her graphic story of misfortunes and evil she was subject to. The old ladies story is impactful to the story because she battles the church and supports Candide’s philosophy. The old ladies story supports Voltaire’s satire of religion and an optimistic world. Candide throughout the story is constantly battling religion, while the most obvious …show more content…

While this theme is noticed from the very first chapter is heavily apparent in this excerpt from chapter 12, the old ladies long venture has experienced some of the most horrific events that any human could possibly endure. The old lady challenges life when she says, “to fondle the serpent which devours us till it has eaten out our hearts” (Voltaire 373). The old lady is making a reference comparing evil to the serpent that has claimed her life and eaten her heart and her existence. She is asking a rhetorical question, what to do with the serpent after it has destroyed everything good in your life. Voltaire clearly is having the old lady to express her past at destroying any hope or optimism for her future. However, Voltaire challenges his satire of optimism when the lady states, “a hundred times I wanted to kill myself, but I loved life more. This ridiculous weakness is perhaps one of our worst instincts” (Voltaire 373). This statement of loving life despite her horrible experiences plays with his satire of optimism, however, his following statement battles right back by showing her miserableness with her own life and everything she has encountered. While loving life might initially be thought of an optimistic tone and showing positive forward thinking, it also is completely ironic and misleading, the old ladies past never had a positive lead nor a real sense of life in

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